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Assessing Transferable Competencies
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Assessing Transferable Competencies

Creative solutions for complex challenges

To develop creative solutions for complex challenges in an ever-changing world, our graduates need more than subject-specific competencies. In order to be able to take responsibility, to collaborate in interdisciplinary teams and to communicate their solutions to a diverse audience, your students need opportunities to develop these transferable competencies as well. This notion manifested in the ETH Competence Framework, which describes the competencies that ETH Zurich aims to foster. In this Refresh Teaching Event, ETH faculty members will provide some insights on how they foster and assess transferable competencies in the subject-specific context of their courses.

Dr. Oliver von Dzengelevski D-MTEC E-Mail senden
Miridita Useini D-HEST E-Mail senden
Dr. Rafael Libanori D-MTL E-Mail senden
Dr. Ulrich Thibaut D-CHAB E-Mail senden

Dr. Oliver von Dzengelevski

Dr. Oliver von Dzengelevski (D-MTEC) will present his input on the topic “Real-life case studies with managerial feedback“. In his lecture Oliver tasks students to solve case studies based on real-life company challenges and give them the opportunity to present their solutions in front of company managers, providing students an opportunity to practice their problem-solving and communication skills in a realistic setting.

Mirdita Useini (D-HEST)

Mirdita Useini (D-HEST) empowers students in the BSc Medicine module “Interprofessional Teamwork and Career” to develop effective and respectful strategies for collaborating in healthcare teams. By engaging in simulations, they gain an understanding of the significance of communication and teamwork in ensuring the quality and safety of patient care. Following these simulations, students participate in structured debriefings to reflect on their shared experiences and individual actions in the clinical setting.

Dr. Rafael Libanori

Dr. Rafael Libanori (D-MATL) will show in this event how he prepares useful and regular assessment feedbacks to support the students in improving their communication and critical thinking skills. Such regular feedbacks stimulate the students to think more actively about where they are at the moment, where they need to go (learning objectives) and how they could get there. During the progress of the semester, he observes that the students gradually improve their performance in the assessment elements of the course.

Dr. Ulrich Thibaut

Dr. Ulrich Thibaut (D-CHAB) taskes that personal values and thinking style preferences have a major influence on our behaviors in all kinds of human interactions as well as on our reactions to situations we are confronted with during both our professional and private lives. Value coaching is a transparent way to make us aware of those values, which both drive us forward as well as sometimes block our thinking from taking constructive routes together with our fellow human beings. The presentation will focus on value coaching as an approach to make us aware of these personal drivers and stoppers and a means to get in a constructive and enriching dialogue with our students.
