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Communication is key!
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Communication is key!

How Moodle supports communication with and among students

Communication is key in teaching. This is not a new insight, but it wasbrought home to us again during the pandemic semesters, especially when communication with the students was asynchronous. With Refresh Teaching, we start into the new semester with a mini-seriesof events revolving around how our learning management system (Moodle) can help us to foster different aspects of learning and teaching. The first event of this series will deal with communication. We will hear from several faculty members, how they use Moodle and its features to establish communication with and among students.

Prof. Stefan Bechtold D-GESS Lecturer E-Mail senden
Dr. Joe Renes D-PHYS Lecturer E-Mail senden
Dr. Ulrich Genick D-BIOL Lecturer E-Mail senden
Karin Brown LET Didactic Lead in the Moodle Team E-Mail senden
Prof. Konrad Schindler D-BAUG Lecturer E-Mail senden

Stefan Bechtold

Prof. Stefan Bechtold (D-GESS) teaches “Big Data, Law, and Policy”, a reading seminar which is offered as a Science in Perspective course and an elective course at D-INFK. In order to spark a stimulating discussion with and among students, participants have read papers before each meeting, summarized the readings and answered specific questions on Moodle and participate in a debate and a live chat on the readings in each class meeting.

Dr. Joe Renes (D-PHYS)

Dr. Joe Renes (D-PHYS) teaches various courses on quantum information theory for master students of physics and quantum engineering (and anyone else who is interested!). So far, Moodle has mainly served as a chat forum for self-generated questions students have about the material covered in the course.

Dr. Ulrich Genick (D-BIOL)

Dr. Ulrich Genick (D-BIOL) works in the department’s center for active learning (CAL) and teaches in introductory courses for biology, medical and health science students.  In these courses he uses “Muddiest Points” – style questions to stimulate student-teacher communication and engagement of the students with the learning material. He will share his experience with this seemingly simple teaching tool and discuss how the size of the course, the student pool and the absence/presence of incentives (e.g. bonus points) shapes the way students use “Muddiest Points”.

Karin Brown (LET)

Karin Brown (LET) is the Didactic Lead in the Moodle Team. She provides support to Moodle users and also runs the “Introduction to Online Teaching” course where she is often in discussion with lecturers who use Moodle in their courses. She will share her perspective on communication via Moodle.

Prof. Konrad Schindler (D-BAUG)

Prof. Konrad Schindler (D-BAUG) teaches a number of courses where a heavy component are compulsory practical programming exercises, in which the students implement computational data analysis methods they learn about. In these courses, Moodle serves as a chat forum for interaction among the students and between the students and the lab supervisors.
