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Conducting studies for evidence-based teaching
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Conducting studies for evidence-based teaching

How teaching and learning can be improved through collecting data

Current developments in higher education highlight the importance of evidence-based practice as a way of linking research and practice in teaching. These developments ground in the idea that empirical evidence should constitute one vital source of knowledge and information for lecturers. In this Refresh Teaching event we will hear from lecturers which integrated an educational research into their teaching to find out more about how their educational practices impacted the learning of students in the lecture hall.

Dr. Guillaume Schiltz D-PHYS Educational Developer E-Mail senden
Dr. Menny Akka Ginosar D-MATH Lecturer E-Mail senden
Philipp Emch Forschungsethik und Tierschutz

Dr. Guillaume Schiltz

Dr. Guillaume Schiltz is Educational Developer (Lehrspezialist) at the Department of Physics. Where he focusses on  advising and supporting teachers in educational issues and in using computer based learning technologies as well as quality assurance and enhancement of learning and teaching and also on initiating and coordinating teaching/learning projects at the department He will present the experiences and findings made by using the CLASS (Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey) to investigate Change in students’ attitudes of learning physics in the live sciences.

Dr. Menny Akka Ginosar

Dr. Menny Akka Ginosar is a senior scientist at the Department of Mathematics. He will share the experience he and his fellow lecturers made with their In-Class Formative Assessment in an Introductory Calculus Class and Large-scale flipped classroom with a single lecture -scenario. The focus will be on the use of an audience response system (“clickers”) in an introductory math course. First in terms of practical usage and in terms of answer distributions, test-theoretical properties and clustering of questions. Secondly in the potential of well-designed threads of single and multiple-choice questions to check the understanding and learning objectives, but also to foster deeper learning.

Input Philipp Emch

Philipp Emch from the Office of Research is the secretary to the ETH Zurich Ethics Commission. He will join us to discuss ethical issues to be considered when planning and conducting studies with participants in educational settings.
