Golden Owl 2022
The only bird you should flip your professor
In this Refresh teaching event, we will meet four of the 2022 Golden Owl winners and hear from them what good teaching means to them. In the discussions we want to shed light on various aspects of good teaching at ETH. What are the experiences of the awardees and which insights did they discover to make their teaching valuable for students? There will be the opportunity for discussion around this topic with you as awardees and colleagues throughout the event.
Léa Le Bars (VSETH)
Léa le Bars is vice president of VSETH and representative of the department of university policy. The department of university policy takes care of the intensive exchange and the representation of the students’ concerns with all ETH bodies (presidium, rectorate, university assembly, teaching commission…). It coordinates university policy concerns (better teaching, access to buildings, semester fees…) through working groups and workshops. It is in active exchange with other universities, especially in Switzerland (VSS) e.g. EPFL, St. Gallen and Uni Zurich, but also internationally through the IDEALeague to Delft, Aachen and other technical universities.
Prof. Dr. Kirsten Bomblies
Prof Dr. Kirsten Bomblies (D-BIOL) was nominated among other things for her good, well organized and interactive learning materials, providing material & scripts as exam preparation, beeing very enthusiastic about her subject and transmits that enthusiasm and always beeing ready for questions and follow-up when necessary
Prof. Dr. Kenneth Paterson (D-INFK)
Prof. Dr. Kenneth Paterson (D-INFK) was mentioned by the students beeing very passionate about his course and extremly knowledable. His classes are well organized classes and he provides good lecture material. He explains clearly and interestingly and is always makes time to answer all the questions
Prof. Dr. Kaveh Razavi (D-ITET)
Prof. Dr. Kaveh Razavi (D-ITET) was nominated for his didactic skills, beeing very motivating and enthusiastic and always meeting students on eye level. He provides an innovative learning concept (mini self-made operating system) and is willing to constantly improve his lectures and is open for feedback.
Prof. Dr. Torbjörn Netland (D-MTEC)
Prof. Dr. Torbjörn Netland (D-MTEC) was nominated for his well organized and amazing lectures, gives the students quick results and feedback, gives interesting tasks and providing a course that is useful for life.