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Golden Owl special
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Golden Owl special

What does it take to do good teaching in times of corona

The Golden Owl is ETH’s yearly price for excellent teaching, awarded by the students association VSETH. The prizes for the 2021 awardees was selected in the midst of the corona pandemic: Times with many uncertainties both for students and for teachers. In this special Refresh Teaching event, we will discuss what the Golden Owl winners did to win this award. We will have an open panel discussion revolving around several key questions.

Ruth Hanisch D-ARCH Lecturer
Dr. Damian Roquerio D-BSSE Lecturer E-Mail senden
Dr. Renana Poranne D-CHAB Lecturer E-Mail senden
Prof. Stephen Ferguson D-HEST Lecturer E-Mail senden
Prof. Dennis Kochmann D-MAVT Lecturer E-Mail senden

Introduction presenters

