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Just one more question...

being there for your students

Students have questions. That’s a good thing. Unfortunately, the pandemic has made it less straightforward for some teachers to be approachable for their students.

In this Refresh Teaching event we will hear from several faculty members about how they created spaces for students to get answers to their questions.

Prof. Jacob Corn D-BIOL Lecturer E-Mail senden
Prof. Thomas Gross D-INFK Lecturer E-Mail senden
Dr. Menny Akka Ginosar D-MATH Lecturer

Prof. Jacob Corn (D-BIOL)

Jacob Corn (D-BIOL) teaches “Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology”, which is part of the bachelor curricula of Medicine and Health Science and Technology with ~500 students. He wil discuss how he encourages interaction and questions in such a large group in a virtual format.

Prof. Thomas Gross (D-INFK)

Thomas Gross (D-INFK) teaches “Introduction to Programming”, one of the four core courses for 1st-semester computer science students. There are 600 students enrolled, and about half of them attend the lectures.  He will discuss how he handles student questions during and after the lectures (without asking his teaching assistants to get up for an 8:00 am class).

Dr. Menny Akka Ginosar (D-MATH)

Menny Akka Ginosar (D-MATH) teaches “Linear Algebra” for D-MATH and D-PHYS, one of the main first year courses with ~600 students enrolled. He will discuss how he handles asking and answering questions during and immediately after the lecture, as well as the more informal post-lecture space he’s created, allowing for a more relaxed processing of the lecture material as well as general and/or personal questions.
