The power of transparent introductions
The new semester
There is power in new beginnings. That can be true for each new course and applies to students as well as lecturers. When you try to do something different or new in your course, it helps that you share your intentions and methods clearly at the start. This Refresh Teaching event will shed some light on important aspects of introducing your course to the students; what you can do bring the course alive, keep the students engaged, so that the "magic" does not fade so quickly (or fade at all). We will hear from three ETH faculty members about their introductions and the impact they had on course development. Being up front and transparent has significant advantages!
Dr. Elena Valdemeri
Dr. Elena Valdameri (GESS) is Oberassistentin at the Chair for the History of the Modern World in the department of humanities, social and political sciences (D-GESS) at ETH Zurich. In this Refresh Teaching event, she will show how she managed to create a classroom atmosphere in which students feel safe to participate. Her presentation will be based on her experience with a class made up of students from different fields.
Dr. Dominik Stämpfli
Dominik Stämpfli (D-CHAB) is a lecturer at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IPW). In this Refresh Teaching event, he will talk about the impact of giving students a behind-the-scenes look at active teaching segments and about the importance of announcing visions in addition to learning objectives. He also describes how some of his introductory sequences have evolved over the years while others have stayed the same.
Dr. Marcel Berni
Dr. Marcel Berni (GESS) is scientific assistant at the Strategic Studies Department at the Swiss Military Academy at ETH Zurich. In this Refresh Teaching event, he will present the introduction to an upcoming seminar for students in the BA Public Policy.