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Online Co-teaching
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How to co-teach during distance learning

With the renewed move of all lectures to virtual classes, online teaching is again the standard. How do ETH faculty deal with this move if they teach a lecture in a team or group of faculty? We will hear from several ETH faculty how they organized themselves in online co-teaching settings.

Dr. Raphael Libanori D-MATL Lecturer E-Mail senden
Dr. Amr Elsawy D-ARCH Lecturer E-Mail senden

Dr. Rafael Libanori, Tommaso Magrini and Marco Binelli (D-MATL)

Dr. Rafael Libanori, Tommaso Magrini and Marco Binelli (D-MATL) report on how guided discussions in flipped-classroom activities can be enhanced by using co-teaching strategies in a virtual class environment. The course on Bioinspired Active and Adaptive Materials is comprised of classroom discussions that are designed to cover the topic of each class. In their talk, the presenters will highlight how co-preparation and coordination between the teaching instructors are key to organize and provide structure to the discussions, leading the students in the direction of consolidating the knowledge and fulfilling the learning objectives of the course.

Dr. Amr Elsawy (D-ARCH)

Dr. Amr Elsawy (D-ARCH) teaches The Integrated Design Project (IDP) with Prof. Arno Schlueter (Chair of Architecture and Building Systems). This course allows architecture and engineering students to work collaboratively on urban and architectural concepts integrating aspects of energy, sustainability and building technologies. In HS 2019, the IDP collaborated with Studio Boltshauser and brought students from two different programs (MIBS and Architecture) to work together on a common project. The two chairs involved, i.e. Architecture and Building Systems (A/S) and Prof. Boltshauser, worked closely together not only during the critiques and final grading but also on designing the entire program. The presenter will highlight aspects of preparation, use of technology, and collaboration, as well as reflect on the importance of establishing a network of communication between the various stakeholders (e.g., staff-staff, staff-students, students-staff, and students-students).
