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Practical Examples of Inspirational Teaching
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Practical Examples of Inspirational Teaching

Active learning, Assessment Methods, Improving Student Motivation

As we start the new semester, we are very pleased to invite you to an event where ETH faculty present inspiring practical examples of the teaching approaches they used to address challenges in their courses. These relate to ideas on content delivery, course design, teaching and assessment techniques that improve student learning and motivation. Come and join us in a lively discussion on many ways to create a positive teaching and learning environment!

Dr. Jochen Winterer D-HEST E-Mail senden
Dr. Esther Borkowski D-ARCH E-Mail senden
Dr. Iwan Stössel D-ERDW E-Mail senden

Dr. Jochen Winterer: Active Learning Sequences using Seminal Papers

Dr. Esther Borkowski: Enhancing Student Learning using Formative Assessment

Dr. Iwan Stössel: Improving Students' Motivation in a Frontal Lecture Course
