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Redesigning courses
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Redesigning courses

Approaches and ideas

Individual university courses as well as entire curricula are always subject to change for various reasons. With a number of ETH-wide initiatives on the horizon (PAKETH, computational competencies, etc.), the need to update courses will increase in importance. We encourage everyone to see this as an opportunity refresh your own courses, not only to adapt to new policies. In this Refresh Teaching event, we will hear ETH faculty members describe their approaches to course (re-)design based on various aspects of a course.

Dr. Eva Lieberherr D-USYS E-Mail senden
Marit van Dekken D-MTEC E-Mail senden
Dr. Illias Hischier D-ARCH E-Mail senden

Dr. Eva Lieberherr (D-USYS)

Marit van Dekken (D-MTEC)

Dr. Illias Hischier (D-ARCH)
