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Continuous assessment
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Checking in on student learning

All paths lead to Rome. Now, imagine Rome is the intended learning outcome of your course and you send your students on a journey towards Rome. Wouldn't you like to see where they are and which roads they take?

Continuous assessment is the way to do it. There are literally hundreds of techniques for teachers to find out where students are in their learning process. In this Refresh Teaching event, we will hear about a number of different techniques to assess student learning while they are still learning.

Dr. Markus Arnoldini D-HEST Lecturer E-Mail senden
Dr. Valentin Klaus D-USYS Lecturer E-Mail senden
Dr. Michèle Gemünden D-GESS Lecturer E-Mail senden
Dr. Jessica Rigutto D-HEST Lecturer E-Mail senden
Dr. Matthias Wiggenhauser D-USYS Lecturer E-Mail senden
Prof. Dr. Thomas Gross D-INFK Professor E-Mail senden


Dr. Markus Arnoldini (D-HEST): “Muddiest point” – A method to collect concepts or points the students struggled with.
Dr. Valentin Klaus (D-USYS): “Peer assessment” – Peeking into the students learning process while they assess their peers.
Dr. Michèle Gemünden (D-GESS): “Moodle quizzes” – Using the LMS to support continuous assessment.
Dr. Jessica Rigutto (D-HEST): “Prior knowledge tests” – The importance of connecting to students prior knowledge.
Dr. Matthias Wiggenhauser (D-USYS): “Think-Pair-Share” – A method for activating prior knowledge.
Prof. Thomas Gross (D-INFK):”1-minute assessment” – Asking the student to “sum up” their learning.

