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Deeper Dive into Project-Based Education
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Deeper Dive into Project-Based Education

About PBE

Join us for an engaging and interactive session focused on the role of Project-Based Education (PBE) in enhancing student engagement and learning. This event will feature insights from ETH faculty leaders in using PBE, followed by dynamic group discussions to explore the application of PBE in diverse contexts.

The session will begin with inputs from PBE at D-ARCH and D-ITET and insights on coaching at PBLabs. Attendees will then break into small groups to discuss key topics, including PBE course design, coaching in education, and utilizing flexible teaching spaces.
Through these discussions, participants will exchange ideas, explore practical applications, and leave with actionable insights on incorporating PBE into their teaching practices. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with peers and thought leaders in an enriching dialogue.

The event takes place on site in ETH Zentrum, RZ D8


  • Prof. An Fonteyne, Chair of Affective Architectures and Dr. Vera Kaps, Educational Developer at D-ARCH: “The Design Studio – 170 year of project-based education at D–ARCH”
  • Dr. Christian Vogt, Center for Project-Based Learning D-ITET: “Empowering Student Engagement through Comprehensive Project-Based Learning at the D-ITET Center for Project-Based Learning.”
  • Dr. Kerrin Weiss, “How Student Coaches support PBE,” Coaching Lead at PBLabs
Dr. Emily Elsner UTL PBlabs E-Mail senden
Dr. Vera Kaps D-ARCH educational Developer E-Mail senden
Prof. Dr. An Fonteyne D-ArCH E-Mail senden
Dr. Christian Vogt Center for Project-Based Learning E-Mail senden
Dr. Kerrin Weiss UTL PBLabs E-Mail senden

Dr. Emily Elsner

Dr. Vera Kaps

Prof. Dr. An Fonteyne

Chair of Affective Architectures and Dr. Vera Kaps, Educational Developer at D-ARCH: “The Design Studio – 170 year of project-based education at D–ARCH”

Dr. Christian Vogt

Center for Project-Based Learning D-ITET: “Empowering Student Engagement through Comprehensive Project-Based Learning at the D-ITET Center for Project-Based Learning.”

Dr. Kerrin Weiss

“How Student Coaches support PBE,” Coaching Lead at PBLabs
